Holiday Parties: A Great Reason To Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened
The end of year winter holidays are a great time for social occasions and catching up with family and friends. There’s food and drink to be had, celebrations to organize, and gift giving for many people. Of course, it’s also a time when some people can be reminded that they may not feel so great about themselves, especially their smiles.
What’s in a smile?
Did you know that numerous studies have been done on the relationship between our smile and how successful and contented we are in life? Not only this, but a 2010 study was done on the photographs of old baseball players where the width of their smiles was measured. Those with the widest smile tended to live longer on average than those who smiled only slightly or not at all!
In some ways, this shouldn’t be surprising because we are a social species after all. We use our smiles to indicate many things, including happiness, social engagement, and flirting. It has even been found that we smile even when we’re in the womb, so it is a completely natural behavior that crosses cultures around the world.
Knowing all of this, there’s a definite link between the way that we feel about ourselves and how often we smile. People who don’t feel so good about themselves tend not to smile quite so much. Sadly, this can make them feel quite alienated even during the holiday season.
The good news is that a professional teeth whitening service can lift your spirits. If you’re not happy with your teeth, we can help you here at Kenosha Breeze Family Dental. I’m Dr. Dennis Carlile, and I can talk to you about your teeth and how we can help you regain your self-confidence.
Here’s why the holidays are a great reason to have your teeth professionally whitened:
h5The holiday period is filled with parties and social gatherings. For anyone who might not feel so great about their teeth, smiling may not be much of a priority. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and even depression. Do you really want to miss out on those holiday parties and good times just because your smile isn’t white and bright?
Smiling has been proven to lead to more self-confidence and improved self-image. It also makes an impact on other people, as they perceive a person to be more attractive and engaging when the wide smiles come easily.
Time for a new beginning
In many ways, the winter holidays are about renewal and making solid promises about the new year. A professional teeth whitening is a great way to start fresh with a whole new outlook on life. With your brand new smile, you can build your confidence and face the new year with new ideas.
Catching up with family
Seeing family during the holiday season can be a lot of fun, but wouldn’t it be great to impress family members you haven’t seen for a while with a bright and white smile? It’s all part of showing a brand new side to yourself. A big smile can really signal that you’re living a happy and healthy life.
Happy snaps
Let’s face it, cameras are everywhere these days and they are inevitably used around holiday time by family and friends. Wouldn’t it be great to look your best in all those photos about to be posted on social media platforms?
Let us help you feel your best
Our smiles say a lot about us and it’s a sad fact that many people are not happy with the way their teeth look. Whether teeth are discolored and stained because of hereditary factors, medication, a health condition, or due to excessive smoking, everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.
Don’t bother buying inferior teeth whiteners off the shelf at your local supermarket. If you want the job done right so you can feel good about your smile, let us help you here at Kenosha Breeze Family Dental. Book an appointment today using our simple online booking function.